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Other Interesting Pages On Some Of My Sites.
Learn To Budget
Money Manager Screen shot Learn To Budget MoneyManger.ipl is a free, MS Windows based, computer program that can be used with children and young adults to practice budgeting

Put simply you get paid once a week, you then spend this money on food, rent etc. If you do just this, then you will be able to save some money and then buy cars, holidays etc.
Personal Business Intelligence
PerBI Screen shot Personal Business Intelligence PerBI (Personal Business Intelligence) is a data analysis or business intelligence tool designed for use by "normal people" not IT Departments and is intended for use alongside existing administration systems.

Although developed after experiences with insurance brokers, PerBI is relevant to any business that has up to 20,000,000 transactions that it wants to analyse.
Car Insurance Premiums Explained
Generic car picture Car Insurance Premiums Explained This site aims to explain how car insurance premiums are usually calculated in response to repeated questions on various internet fora such as;

I added my mum as a driver and the premium went down.Why is someone quoting £300 and someone else £1200? Why is my renewal premium higher than my first year's premium?